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Unit2 Lesson3

1.忘记做某事 forgot to do

2.叫人下车(短语) tell sb. to get off=put off

3.既然这样(短语) in that case

4.更愿意v. prefer

5.唯一的,独特的 unique

6.女性 female

7.由??组成 consist of

8.因此(连词) thus

9.质量 quality

10.在??方面成功 succeed in


I went on an excursion recently,but my trip took me longer than I expected.


I said to the conductor as I got on the bus.


I’ll tell you where to get off.


I set in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.


Looking round,I realised with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. Unit3 Lesson5

1.包裹n. parcel

2.内疚的adj. guiltily

3.尴尬的adj. embarrassed

4.包含v. contain

5.五条巧克力(短语) five bars of chocolate

6.糖 sweet

7.矿、矿山 mine

8.控制 be in charge of

9.属于 belong to

10.结果是(短语) turn out to be

11.出发(短语) set off

12.检查v. examine


Things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.


First of all,he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.


I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever.


It was obvious that he was very embarrassed.


He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally.

Unit4 Lesson7

1.搬(家)v. move

2.暂时的 temporarily

3.英寸 inch

4.吃惊n. surprise

5.盯着(短语) gaze at

6.空闲的 spare

7.养宠物 keep pets

8.完全地adv. completely

9.靴子 boot

10.自信的adj.自信地adv. confident ; confidently

11.合适v. fit


I have been trying to get my new room in order.


To make matters worse,the room is rather small.


A short while age,my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.


This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen.

Unit5 Lesson9

1.扑灭(短语) put out

2.消防员 firefighter

3.非常肯定(短语) be quite sure

4.偶然地adv. accidentally

5.发现 discover

6.抱怨v. complain

7.不可靠的;可靠的 ueliable;reliable

8.鸽子 pigeon

9.评论 comment

10.飞行,航班,航行 flight


Since then,they have been trying to find out how the fire began.


Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away.


In this way,he was able to solve the mystery.


The explanation was simple but very unusual.

Unit6 Lesson11

1.拿起(电话) pick up

2.挂(电话)(及其动词变形) hang up -hung-hung

3.认出v. recognize

4.混乱n. adj. mess;messy

5.熟悉的 familiar

6.到底(短语) on earth

7.作出努力 make an effort to

8.生动的;实况转播的 live

9.毫无疑问(短语) no doubt


In a short time,I was busy mixing butter and flour.


Nothing is more annoying.


It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later.


I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.

Unit7 Lesson13


A new machine called ’The Revealer’ has been invented,and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.


Armed with the new machine,a search party went into the cave,hoping to find buried treasure.


Very excited,the party dug a hole two feet deep.


In spite of this,many people are confident that ‘The Revealer’ may reveal something of value fairly soon.



与天地兮比寿,与日月兮齐光——战国.楚.屈原《涉江》 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索——战国.屈原.《离骚》 举世皆浊我独清,众人皆醉我独醒——战国.屈原《渔夫》 千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金——唐.刘禹锡《浪淘沙》 时人莫小池中水,浅处不妨有卧龙——唐.窦庠《醉中赠符载》 粉身碎骨浑不怕,要留青白在人间——明.于谦《石灰吟》 不要人夸颜色好,只留清气满乾坤——元.王冕《墨梅》 千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风——清.郑燮《竹石》 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花——清.龚自珍《己亥杂诗》 亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔——屈原《离骚》 老骥伏枥,志在千里;烈士暮年,壮心不已——三国.魏.曹操《龟虽寿》 健儿须快马,快马须健儿——北朝民歌.《折杨柳歌辞》 刑天舞干戚,猛志固常在——晋.陶渊明《读山海经十三首》 直如朱丝绳,清如玉壶冰——南朝.宋.鲍照《代白头吟》 疾风知劲草,板荡识诚臣——唐.李世民《赐萧禹》 愿君学长松,慎勿作桃李——唐.李白《赠韦侍御黄活裳二首》 长安何处在,只在马蹄下——唐.岑参《忆长安曲二章寄庞催》 莫道桑榆晚,微霞尚满天——唐.刘禹锡《酬乐天咏志见示》 大道如青天,我独不得出——唐.李白《行路难》 少年心事当拂云——唐.李贺《致酒行》





《Look Ahead 1》Vocabulary

1 2 3 6 7 9

radio [ reidi?u] n.收音机 jeans [d?i:nz] n.牛仔裤 piano [pi ?n?u,

pjɑ:n?u] n.钢琴

disco [ disk?u] n.迪斯科舞厅 toilet [ t?ilit] n.厕所 restaurant [ rest?r?nt] n.餐厅

[t?ips] n.炸土豆条

22 gate [geit]n.大门

25 guidebook [ gaidbuk] n.指南 31 information [?inf? mei??n]n.信息 32 international 36 meal

34 jazz [d??z]n.爵士乐


mai nju:t]n.分钟

37 minute[ minit, 43 nightclub 46 passport 49 postcard 51 price

[?int? n???n?l]a.国际的

11 guitar [gi tɑ:] n.吉他 14 chips

42 nationality [?n??? n?liti]n.国籍

[ naitkl?b] n.夜总会 [ pɑ:sp?:t] n.护照

[ p?ustkɑ:d] n.明信片

15 violin [?vai? lin]n.小提琴

16 sandwich [ s?nwid?, s?ndwit?]n.三明治 17 rock music [r?k mju:zil]摇滚乐 18 pizza

[ pi:ts?] n.(意大利)馅饼

19 lemonade [?lem? neid] n.柠檬汽水 23 reception

[ri sep??n] n.接待处

24 saxophone [ s?ks?f?un] n.萨克斯管

50 pound [paund]n.英镑

[prais] n.价格

52 private [ praivit]a.私人的 55 single [ si?g?l]a.单个的 57 souvenir


[‘su:v?ni?] n.纪念品,礼物;vt.

[ tu?rist ?fis]旅游服务处


3 6 7 8 9

arrivals [? raiv?lz]n.(pl.)到达 café

[ k?fei]n.咖啡馆

bus stop [ b?st?p]n.公共汽车站 camera [ k?m?r?]n.照相机 capital [ k?pitl]n.首都

[k? set]n.录音带

64 tourist office

65 video cassette [ vidi?uk??set]n.录像带


What nationality are you? 你是什么国籍? Airport signs: 机场指示牌 Passport Control 护照检验处 Customs 海关 Post office邮局 Information desk 问讯处

10 cassette

12 country [ k?ntri]n.国家

13 departures [di pɑ:t??z]n.(pl.)离开 14 diary

[ dai?ri] n.日记(本)

16 double [ d?b?l] a.双


17 European Community [ jur??pi?nk? mju:n?ti]I’d like this T-shirt, please.


18 facility [f? siliti]n.设备;设施 20 flight

Famous places 名胜

A family hotel with reasonable prices, thirty


minutes from Heathrow Airport.


26 picture [ pikt??] n.图画 [ p?ustk?ud]n.邮政编码[ s?:neim] n.姓

家庭式的旅馆,价格合理,离希思罗机场仅30分钟路27 postcode

29 salary [ s?l?ri] n.薪水 32 surname 36 town

33 taxi driver [ t?ksi?draiv?] n.出租汽车司机

[taun] n.镇;市镇;市区

Prices include full English breakfast and VAT.


All rooms have a private bathroom.



Personal information 个人情况

Are you married or single? 你已婚还是单身? Managing director 总经理

A E Jones Limited is looking for a receptionist to

A E Jones有限公司急需聘请一名接待员。

Meals are available in the restaurant.


Reasonable [‘ri;z?n?bl] adj. 合理的,公道的;优How’s your new job? 你的新工作怎么样?


Expensive adj.昂贵的,豪华的


Cheap adj.便宜的;劣质的;小气的;adv.便宜的;start immediately.Light snacks 点心,小吃 Served all day 整天供应 Souvenir shop 纪念品商店

Passenger [‘p?sind??] n.旅客,乘客

Receptionist 前台接待 For more information 欲知说情 Computer operator 电脑操作员 Accommodation 住宿 Provide 提供

Application form 申请表格

Lesson 2

1 5 6 7 8

address[? dres] n.地址 company county earn envelope

[ k?mp?ni] n.公司 [ kaunti] n.城镇

[ env?l?up] n.信封

Teenage summer camp 少年夏令营 Assistant manager 助理经理

All food and accommodation provided食宿全包 Send a postcard with your name and address


[?:n] v.赚得;挣得

Sports shop体育用品商店 Fax machine传真机 Out of work 失业

Occupation [,?kju’pei??n]n.职业,工作;占有,

Shop assistant 店员

Electrician [ilek’tri??n] n.电工,电气技师 Mechanic[mi’k?nik] n.技工,机修工 Secretary[‘sekr?t?ri] n.秘书

10 first name [f?:st?neim] n.名 12 form 18 letter

[f?:m] n.表格;形式 [ let?] n.信

[ meds?n] n.药

19 marital status 20 medicine

[?m?ritl steit?s]n.婚姻状况 占领;(土地、房屋、建筑等的)使用

22 patient [ pei??nt] n.病人 23 person [ p?:sn] n.人 25 personal

[ p?:s?n?l] a.个人的

Musician[mju:’z i??n] n.音乐家 Builder 建筑者 Painter 画家;油漆匠 Actor/actress 演员/女演员

Cleaner 清洁工;清洁剂;吸尘器;干洗店 Artist 艺术家;美术家 Footballer 足球运动员 Tennis player 网球运动员 Politician 政治家 Thatcher 茅屋匠 Baker 面包师;烤炉 Butcher 屠夫,屠户

accountant 会计师,会计人员

Architect [‘ɑ:kitekt] n.建筑师,设计师;创造者 Businessman 商人 Dentist [‘dentist] n.牙医 Engineer 工程师,技师 Guide 向导;导游

Fisherman [‘fi??,m?n] n.渔夫,渔民 Housewife 家庭主妇 Lawyer 律师


2 7 8 9

bank account [ b??k? ? kaunt]n.银行帐户 club [kl?b] n.俱乐部

credit card [ kredit kɑ:d]n.信用卡

[glɑ:s]n.玻璃;玻璃杯子 [gest]n.客人

driving licence [ draivi? lais?ns]驾驶执照

11 glass 12 guest

15 madam [ m?d?m]n.夫人;女士;太太 19 postbox [ p?ustb?ks] n.信箱;信筒 21 south [sauθ]a.南;南方的 22 stranger [ streind??] n.陌生人 25 ticket [ tikit]n.票


Identity [ai’dentiti] n.身份;个性 The map of central London 伦敦中心地图 I shake hands with stangers, but not with friends.


Carpenter [‘ka:pint?] n.木匠;v.当木匠,做木工活 Stranger [’streind??] n.陌生人;局外人;外地人

Design 设计

Account manager 客户帐目经理,财务主管人 Designer [di’zain?] n.设计师,设计者;制图员 Shop assistant 店员

They’re married with two daughters. Fire engines 消防车

Marketing manager 营销部经理,市场主管 Art and Design Limited 美术设计有限公司 London Underground 伦敦地铁 Luggage [’l?gid?] n. 英 行李; 美 皮箱 Reason 原因 Sight 风景 Trip 旅行

Various [vε?ri?s] adj.各种各样的;多方面的

Square [skwε?] n. 广场;平方;正方形;adj.平方他们是夫妻,有两个女儿 Transport 运输

Candidate[‘k?ndidit] n.报考者;候选人 Formal document正式文件 Interview 面谈,采访 Or so 左右、大约

The nest 15 minutes 下面十五分钟 Sort of thing (那)类事情

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

2 3 4 5 6 avenue [ ?v?nju:, ?vinju:] n.林荫道;道路 bill [bil] n.帐单 bottle [ b?tl]n.瓶子 bunch [b?nt?] n.束 certainly

Dressing 调味品

Thank you for your custom. Please call again.


Starters 上主菜之前的开胃食品= appetizer


[ s?:t?nli]adv.一定;(用于回答)当French onion soup 法式浓汤


8 customer

[ k?st?m?] n.顾客


dessert [di z?:t] n.甜食

10 dish [di?]n.菜肴;盘;碟 13 enough [i n?f] pron.足够(的) 15 foot [fut]n.英尺 16 gram [gr?m] n.克(重量单位)

17 ingredient [in gri:di?nt]n.配料;成分 18 kilo [ ki:l?u] n.公斤

19 loaf

[l?uf] n.一只(面包),(一个)面包

20 market [ mɑ:kit] n.市场 21 menu [ menju:] n.菜单 22 near

[ni?] prep.接近;靠近

24 packet [ p?kit] n.小包 25 pardon [ pɑ:d?n] n.原谅 26 party [ pɑ:ti] n.聚会 27 penny [ peni] n.便士(英国的辅币单位) 28 piece

[pi:s] n.件;张;块

29 popular [ p?pjul?] a.流行的 30 pound [paund] n.磅(重量单位)

32 something [ s?mθi?] pron.某物;某事

33 takeaway

[ teik?wei]n.外卖餐馆

34 tin [tin] n.听头;罐头


Cupboard n.柜橱 Sugar n.糖 Fridge 电冰箱 Salami n.意大利腊肠

Main courses主菜=entree[’?ntrei](美)

Roast lamb 烤羊肉 Fish of the day当天特色鱼

Spaghetti bolognese 意大利式杂酱面

All main courses served with chips and fresh vegetables or mixed salad.


Tatal 总计 Desserts甜食

American pancakes 美式簿煎饼 Fresh fruit salad 新鲜水果色拉 Cheese and biscuits奶酪加饼干 Mineral water 矿泉水

All prices include VAT. Service not included.


Can I have the menu, please?请给我一份菜单。 What would you like to drink?


Tortilla 玉米粉圆饼 Taco墨西哥煎玉米卷 Cabbage 卷心菜 Yoghurt 酸奶 Sausage 香肠,腊肠 Grapefruit 葡萄柚,西柚 Cucumber [’kju:k?mb?] n.黄瓜 Carrot 胡萝卜 Lettuce 莴苣,生菜 Cauliflower 花菜

Mushroom 蘑菇 Seaweed 海藻,海草 Pepper 胡椒,辣椒;胡椒粉 Onion 洋葱 Prawn 对虾 Cheese 奶酪

Flour [’flau?] n.面粉;vt.撒上粉 Mayonnaise [,mei?neiz] n.蛋黄酱 Vegetable curry and rice 咖喱蔬菜饭 Couscous with lamb 小羊肉蒸粗麦粉 Teatime 用茶点的时间 Eating guide 饮食指南 Takeaway food shop外卖饮食店

He sells homemade hot and cold Italian food.


9 carpet [ kɑ:pit]n.地毯

10 council [ kauns?l] n.地方议会;地方自治会 11 curtain [ k?:t?n] n.帘;窗帘 12 cushion [ ku??n] n.垫子 13 deck 15 each

[dek] n.甲板

[i:t?] pron.每;各;每个;每人

[ entr?ns] n.入口 [ fai?pleis]n.壁炉

16 engine [ end?in] n.发动机;引擎 17 entrance 18 fireplace 21 front 22 furniture

[fr?nt] n.前面

[ f?:nit??] n.家具

23 garden [ gɑ:dn] n.花园;庭园

24 ground floor [graund fl?:] n.底层;底楼 26 houseboat [ hausb?ut]n.居住船 27 how many [? hau meni]多少 29 language

[ l??gwid?] n.语言

30 mat [m?t] n.地席 33 next to35 own 37 plant

Pasta dishes意大利面食

Different kinds of sandwiches 各类三明治 sandwich is big enough for thirty people!


Frank’s party sandwiches are a speciality. One 31 metre [ mi:t?] n.米;公尺(公制长度单位)

prep.紧靠着...;帖近 [ ?p?zit] prep.在...的对面

Frank出售的聚会用大三明治很有特色,一个三明治足34 opposite

[?un] a.自己的 [plɑ:nt] n.植物

French dressing 法式色拉调料 Tomato sauce 番茄酱 Fax transmission传真文

Avenue. 请将食物送至华盛顿街702号。 What’s it called? = What’s the name of it? Which country is it from? = Where is it from?

38 possession [p? ze??n]n.所有(物);财产 42 sound [saund] v.听上去 46 weekend Usual 常见的 Brochure 宣传单 Private 私人的 Billiard 台球的 Hostel n.旅社,旅馆 Advertisement n.广告,宣传 Contact联系

Please deliver the food to :702 Washington 44 typical [ tipik?l] a.典型的

[ wi:kend, wi:k end]n.周末


Lesson 5

5 7 8

available between

[? veil?b?l] a.可以得到的 [bi twi:n] prep.在...之间

car park [kɑ:pɑ:k] n.停车场


展望未来1重点词汇+句子Unit2Lesson31 忘记做某事forgottodo2 叫人下车(短语)tellsb togetoff=putoff3 既然这样(短语)inthatcase4 更愿意v prefer5 唯一的,独特的uni...

